Saturday, September 6, 2008

Convention Joy!

Well, we are back in Bowling Green now, but I am still very excited about all the activities I got to take part in this past week.
The convention hall was packed Thursday night for John McCain’s speech. Leading up to his speech, there was still a lot of excitement for Sarah Palin, but when Cindy McCain started to speak, without script in front of her, John McCain became the focal point. His speech was fantastic and one that should go down in history. His love for America and contentment with who he is and who he is working for, the people of America, are all traits that must be admired. I couldn’t agree with my mom more: after that speech how could anyone vote for Barack Obama over John McCain. I know many people will disagree with me, but I am prepared to convince everyone to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.
Oh, and to get the night started on the right foot, I found Mike Huckabee and got my picture with him :) The week couldn’t have ended any better than a picture with the former governor and the McCain speech.
The trip was more than I expected and I think I could talk about it for the next 10 hours. Even the flight home was eventful, as we found ourselves on the same flight as Senator McConnell.
I hope everyone reading this blog is taking the time to see who the man John McCain is, and realizing the confidence we can put in him as our next President.
Professor Lasley presented me with an opportunity of a lifetime and I’d like to thank him for letting us learn in this manner. And to everyone else who helped plan and create this trip, thanks as well. I know that for the next few weeks, I will be smiling because of this past week.

Get Ready Cause Here We Come

That is my announcement to the rest of America, because I feel like all four of us are so fired up we feel like we can accomplish anything! After being in an environment where everyone is so excited and energized you can't help but begin to feel the same way. I can now admit that I am actually a democrat, Yes, that's right. I voted for Hillary in the primary. I am still a little bitter it is Obama and not Hillary as the Democratic Nominee. But--I can honestly say, I am going to vote for McCain/Palin in November 2008. I was unsure before I came to the convention who I was going to vote for. And I really do consider myself a Moderate, able to see both sides on different issues, which is why I didn't care which convention I went to, and I just so happen to end up at the RNC. Now, I will say though I will be watching the debates very closely and that's not to say my opinion can't change before Novemeber, but I was very impressed with Sarah Palin. The fact that she is a women pushed my decision to the right side more than anything, but I just have good vibes from her. I like her. But I must say this was one of the best experiences I have ever had in my life. I learned so much about politics, politicians and my love for them both. I wouldn't have wanted to go on this trip with anyone else than Kaylee, Shane and John. We all got along really well and genuinely enjoyed each others company. I loved the conversations we had about politics, analyzing the speeches on the bus ride home, what we wanted to do with our lives after college and our point of views on multiple issues. Most of the time we didn't agree, but we all respected each other and listened to the other's opinion. Thank you'll for that. I am rarely around people that respect opinions other than their own. And the biggest thanks goes to Dr. Lasley. Not only did he make sure I didn't get hit by cars/buses/light rails, he added historical information to almost every place we went. He knew what needed to be said at just the right time. He allowed us to be independent and gave us our space, but was right there with us every step of this trip. Again--I can't emphasize how informative/educational/enjoyable this trip was. Thank you to all who made it possible for us to attend and have a great time. I already can't wait for four more years to go by and go to the convention again!
Right before we board the plane on our way home with Mitch McConnell. We all have on our favorite political shirt we bought while on our trip.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Wading in Balloons

This week has been a truly amazing experience. The endless running between events has definitely taken a toll on our bodies, but not our spirit. Rather, we have become enthralled with the RNC and the ideas it has supported. Balloons and confetti topped off a perfect night and week. With a more complete final post to come, here is a picture that displays the conclusion of what was a truly monumental occasion.

Balloons were waist deep on the convention floor……….


Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Big Mac

The long awaited acceptance speech came tonight of course not without its own set of indoor fireworks. His wife Cindy McCain introduced him in the longest speech she has given in this campaign. Prior to him taking the stage we watched a McCain biography video. Then, out came the big guy. Short in stature, he was towering over the crowd as he owned the catwalk he seemingly glided across. After a few hecklers being tackled, and Code Pink, the terrorist organization, getting their moment of lime light, McCain established himself and his principles while forming his platforms and positions. He really defined what he was going to do. He declared, "The party of Roosevelt, Reagan, and Lincoln, we need to get back to basics!" He owned the night. It was a spine chilling evening being so close to the next president and vice president, on the convention floor. As always, I will allow the Photos to finish the story for me.

Henry Kissinger
Mac and Momma Mac


The end is only the beginning...

As I look back on the McCain speech tonight, my immediate reaction is that of closure and completion of a week long voyage from Bowling Green, KY to Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. When in actuality this is the beginning, not only politically, but personally. While in the Twin Cities we have all harnessed and developed different skills of our own, from being more aggressive photographically to being able to better predict the next move a campaign will make. This week has been an experience of great self exploration and political development. We have gained a mass amount of knowledge and understanding of the entire political process from the individual to the party to the population. As for the personal development, I have made two new friends and got to know two others so much better. The individuals on this trip have made it the pleasurable experience it has been. They are all very individual people and all have bright futures ahead. They are truly remarkable young people that we will all see great thing from in the coming years. In closure I would just like to say Thanks to all of those who made this trip possible, for all of the donations to help curb travel costs to all of you reading our thoughts on our trip, to Dr. Scott Lasley for keeping an eye on all of us making sure we don't step in front of the light rail. As much fun as it has been, I can't wait to be back in BG, see ya soon Nickel.

John Carter
Allie Hembree
Shane Noem
Dr. Scott Lasley
Kaylee Carnahan

Thanks Everybody and God Bless,


The Stage Is Set

The balloons and confetti have dropped on the Republican National Convention. We will be making our final posts this weekend when we get back to Bowling Green. We will also be posting more pictures so please come back on Sunday and Monday to check them out.

"Drill Baby Drill" and "Zero"

When we walked into the convention yesterday, we were all a bit tired from our week of many activities. But let me tell you, when the speakers began and the Convention goers filed in, any sign of tiredness was replaced with excitement. There were lots of minority speakers that told their stories of how Republicans have worked hard for them, and then of course came Michael Steele. His speech was firey and riveting, and most of all began a chant that lasted the rest of the night "Drill Baby Drill." His enthusiasm for the energy independence plan Republicans will bring to the White House and his enthusiasm for the McCain ticket transformed the convention hall into an exciting place. Then, next up we had Mike Huckabee, who we have seen speak for the last three days and once again talked of his status as a fighter for John McCain. Today we will probably not see Huckabee speak anywhere :( Then, Mayor Giuliani came out on the stage. The New Yorker made sure everyone knows that the Washington today is liberal and the change we need is to the McCain/Palin conservativism. He also touched on the executive experience that in Barack Obama and Joe Biden's ticket is "Zero, Zero, Zero" (the other favored chant of the night.) With Giuliani having a humored speech and excitement in the air, Sarah Palin walked on to the stage to a boisterous crowd. I would say the cheering lasted for atleast 1 1/2 minutes before she could get a word out. She first introduced her beautiful family and in them I see the family values and love that I think America needs. Then she got to her experience and her knowledge of what needs to be done. She took on the media that has been trying to take her on and did it successfully. The hall was pumped up through the whole thing. America needed Sarah Palin to introduce herself and let everyone know what she is about, and that she did last night... very well. When her family joined her on the stage, loud applause follwed. When John McCain joined her on the stage to tell everyone this is why my campaign made the decision we did, louder applause followed. Following her speech, RNC delegates and guests are very excited and can't wait to hear what John McCain will say tonight.

But before we head back to the convention, it's souvenier shopping and a reception for Republicans for the Environment.


Convention Speakers

Here is another video I made about Convention Speakers I have seen this week.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You Go Girl!

Sarah Palin taking in all her supporters!

Shane and I with Secretary of State Trey Grayson.

You Go Girl! That is really what I wanted to tell Sarah Palin tonight. She rocked that convention hall. Sarah has let nothing stand in her way, and I don't think she ever will. This woman is incredible. Her poise and confidence is envious. I am so excited to have Sarah Palin as our Vice Presidential nominee. She is a strong and courageous woman who knows what she is doing. I was so glad I got to hear her speak and really hear from her personally, what she plans to do as our next Vice President. I am also excited I have heard so many wonderful women speak this week.



All I can say about tonight is wow. Tonight was an amazing night, we arrived at theExcel center shortly after 6:00 cst. where we took our seats for a while. Mitt Romney delivered a great warm up speech to get the crowd awake. Next followed Huckabee taking swings at Biden, saying that Palin received more votes while running for Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska then Joe Biden did in his run for President of the U.S.  Next was Rudy. Rudy was very fiery and exciting, attacking Obama by name and setting the stage for a Palin appearance. During my experiences on the floor tonight, I was fortunate to be around some of the greatest Ky politicians we have. The highlight of the night was Governor Palin's speech and the suprise visit by John McCain. It was also a great experience to see each state declare their delegate's votes. I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story. 


The Future of the Arts & Arts Education in America

The thing I was most excited about yesterday was the Panel Discussion we went to promoting the arts in schools. I am a huge promoter of the arts, so this was a great event to attend. Not only was I excited about just the discussion but the fact that Mike Huckabee, Debbie Allen, and John Rich from Big and Rich were all featured speakers of the event. I was glad to hear Mike Huckabee has really pushed the arts in schools and I love Debbie Allen, she is a choreographer on one of my favorite shows "So you think you can dance". Also John Rich from Big and Rich a very successful songwriter had a great story about how the arts has helped him become who he is. I love this whole discussion because I know from my point of view the arts has helped me so much in life. Being in theatre has helped me become confident on camera and in front of people, painting has made me think creatively and from a whole new perspective, singing has allowed me to learn about different styles of music which reflect different cultures we have in this world, dance has allowed me to expressively move to reflect myself. The arts has made me who I am today, and all the speakers that spoke yesterday know that arts are so important, and they want to push to have the arts integrated into school's curriculum and I think it is so wonderful. I don't consider myself a history, math or science whiz but I love the arts and when I found that I was good at arts it makes you excited to be at school and go to dance class or choir. Debbie Allen discussed the fact that so many students are dropping out of school because they don't feel like they fit in anywhere because they don't feel like they are good at anything, but by offering arts to students and mandating students take art classes when they are younger and allow them to build on arts skills as they go through school will allow students to become proud of themselves and see that they are capable of great things. I think this is so important. It may have just been a small part of our group's day yesterday, but it made the biggest impact on me.

Sarah Palin

The excitement for Sarah Palin is immeasurable. The party has not been more thrilled for one single candidate like they are for Sarah Palin. There is a sense of mystery that makes her intriguing, a sense of pride, and a sense of juvenility that has everyone fired up from the youth to the veteran convention goers. Palin has the experience and the down to earth common sense we need in the White House. She is a breath of fresh air and Fred Thompson stated last night. We will be on the convention floor tonight as the first Republican female accepts her nomination to be the Vice President of the United Sates of America.

You can be sure that there will be picture and stories to share.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Country First at the RNC

Another full day has come to an end. Our day began with a luncheon sponsored by the Harvard Institute of Politics. The luncheon featured guest speakers from a variety of occupations and focused upon the various aspects of youth voting and its effect upon the current presidential race. The panel was moderated by Trey Grayson, Kentucky’s current Secretary of State and Harvard graduate. Statistics from a recent study conducted by the IOP give a great deal of insight into youth voting in relation to the current presidential race. Obama seems to have a hold upon the American youth, but it interesting that 31% of those in the study trust John McCain to be Commander in Chief of the military compared to 28% for Obama. The full results for the study can be found at

After finishing up at the Hyatt we headed for the Children’s Museum in downtown St. Paul for a panel discussion entitled “The Future of the Arts and Arts Education in America.” The panel included Debbie Allen from “So You Think You Can Dance,” John Rich of country duo Big and Rich, and various other arts advocates. It was moderated by Mike Huckabee. The panelists offered a great deal of opinions about the importance of the arts in the American states. I agreed with a great deal of their opinions but also felt that many of the speakers went a little overboard. For instance, Allen stated that she became upset when one of her students was reprimanded for missing a math class to attend a dance instruction. Though, I feel that the arts are an important part of any student’s curriculum, I do not think that they should be elevated to a level of importance higher than subjects such as math, history, and English.

Huckabee covered by the media after the panel for the arts

After entering the Xcel Center, I immediately realized that this was to be a very different night than the previous one. Excitement hung in the air like a fog. The Republicans were ready for their convention to truly commence, and it did with a bang. Every delgate held a sign the stated Country First on one side and Service on the reverse. Though George W. was forced to speak to his party by satellite, the ever-gracious words of Laura invigorated the crowd and prepared them for the two excellent speeches that were to follow. During this part of the night I was on the floor among the throngs of delegates and media. Few words can describe the enthusiasm for the conservative cause I experienced. In my opinion, Fred Thompson’s emotion filled speech owned the night. Humor marked the first of his address, but soon Thompson’s oratory skill displayed his great respect for John McCain. His focus on McCain’s POW experience touched a great deal of the audience. Lieberman’s speech was a monumental moment for the RNC. His call for all Americans, Republican, Democrat, and Independent, to unite and elect McCain will surely help our cause. What a night…….

My view of the stadium from the floor


Ready to Lead

I loved President Bush's comments tonight about Senator John McCain being ready to lead. We are in a time when change needs to be made and America needs to be resilient. Senator McCain has the strength and character, that Fred Thompson spoke of tremendously, to lead our country in the coming years
Today was great. We started the day off by going to a panel discussion with Harvard Institute of Politics where Trey Grayson was moderator. The discussion was about the importance of the youth vote. Perhaps one of the best things I heard was the excitement that youth voters have for the McCain campaign. While the opponent's numbers may be higher, McCain's youth supporters were overwhelmingly more interested in volunteering for the campaign. I would venture to say that goes to show McCain supporters know they have more to campaign on than eloquent speech and delivery.
After lunch we headed to downtown St. Paul for a panel at the Children's Art Museum with moderator Gov. Mike Huckabee. We were a little bit early, so I stopped at "Candyland" and bought a giant chocolate/pecan/carmel turtle.. tasty but I still have a lot left.
Then we headed to the musuem where the panel discussed the importance of art in developing a love for learning in students. It was an interesting topic to hear talked about because I do not follow the arts very closely. I think it is a debate that still needs to be worked out as far as how much of a core curriculum art can be in schools. In Arkansas, Huckabee ensured that art or music is part of every students weekly schedule and he believes in the importance of this.
Next, it was convention time. Yesterday we did not even wait in line to get into the XCEL center. Today we hung out at a coffee shop waiting for the line to die down for an hour before we went in. Needless to say, the RNC excitement and backing is now in full force in the Twin Cities. We heard from lots of speakers including Laura Bush, President Bush (via satellite) Fred Thompson, and most intriguing of all, Joe Lieberman. He had promised a speech like no other given at a convention, and that is what he delivered. He definitely stepped over partisan lines and delivered a speech that reflects a lot of the personality and political legacy of John McCain, putting country first. When a former Democratic Vice-President nominee comes to endorse the Republican candidate, America knows we have a winner in John McCain.
Between chants of U.S.A., standing ovations for President George H.W. Bush, touching applause and honor given to veterans and current military members, and facts that showcase why the McCain/Palin ticket is the choice for America, tonight was a night to never forget.


Harvard Lunch, WHAS interview, Huckabee, Convention Floor

Arizona Delegation

This morning the four of us eagerly trekked across Minneapolis to meet with Delegate and KY Secretary of State Trey Grayson and KY Alternate Delegate Todd Inman at the Harvard institute Youth Vote forum with the convention pages. Grayson moderated the forum discussing mobilizing the youth vote and how we can help mobilize our friends and peers. The Secretary spoke very highly of the state of Kentucky and the outcome of the Presidential election.
The Liberal Media is not at home at the RNC.

Before the interview, Allie and I gave interviews to a network reporter associated with WHAS, channel 11 out of Louisville. We discussed many topics, and naturally only a few of them aired, but It was very neat being able to comment on current issues as politically engaged students.

Check it out!

After the lunch, we ventured to the sister city of St. Paul. There we watched another forum, this one on the Arts and Art Education, moderated by former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Participants included Choreographer Debra Allen, Musician and Producer John Rich from Big and Rich, Cowboy Troy, and Missouri Governor Matt Blunt. This was an interesting discussion on Art that was followed by great food with a reception.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee

Debbie Allen, Choreographer

We then walked around downtown St. Paul where we ran across several people exercising their freedom expression and freedom of stupidity. There were all sorts of people, from Obama buttons to XXXChurch porn ads. It was definitely a cultural experience.

And People really have to ask why I'm a Republican...

We finally made our way into the convention hall where we ran into GOP strategist and KY delegate Scott Jennings. We also took turns going to the floor. We got to see Laura Bush introduce George W. Bush from the White House. The conventions was honored to have Former President George H. W. Bush and his wife Barbara. Also Cindy McCain and all of the McCain children. The first speaker was Fred Thompson, he went on the attack but he never said Obama's name once. Always referring to him as the "Democrats" or "the other candidate." After being graced with the presence of so many great Republicans, we had some... not so republicans speak to us. Connecticut, Independent, and former Democrat, Joseph Liberman addressed all Democrats and told them why he was speaking at the RNC.

First Lady Laura Bush

Fred Thompson

George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush

Today proved to be a busy day, but tomorrow should be just as busy and exciting with Gov. Sarah Palin addressing the Convention. I can't wait!

Tommy Adams, KY Delegate


A good start

When John McCain announced that it was time to take off our Republican hats and be Americans yesterday, he set the tone for a day of generosity and the true American spirit coming from Minneapolis. The convention was held to business only, as well as appearances by First Lady Laura Bush and our future first lady Cindy McCain. The two women are role models of the behavior and poise that women should have. They both spoke highly of the VP nominee Sarah Palin. Her strength, her courage, her ability to govern, and her convictions are definitely adding power to the Republican ticket.
After the short convention, Shane and I visited the FOX News set up where we met Bill O'Reilly and a couple other FOX reporters.
With the convention in full swing, we have a busy schedule today. First we are going to lunch with Secretary of State Trey Grayson. He will be speaking to all the pages at the downtown Hyatt Regency and has asked us to attend as well. Trey has always been an encouraging figure in Kentucky youth politics and continues to ensure that youth around the country are understanding the importance of voting and being involved in government.
After that, some of us will attend a panel at the Children's Museum of Minnesota, featuring Mike Huckabee. If I see him everyday at an event, I believe I might be the happiest person here!
Then we will head to the convention hall for day 2 where the convention will be in full swing. Speakers, business, and more speakers will fill the evening with strong support and determination to ensure the election of John McCain and Sarah Palin.
After that we will be attending a reception honoring Arab Americans who are influential in our government.
Hurricane Gustav is remembered and the sufferings truly remembered, but now let the convention festivities begin!


Dueling Conventions

With the Republican Convention back on schedule, the Twin Cities will see dueling conventions. Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic is being held at the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis. Rally organizers sold over 10,000 tickets for the event. The event is certain to bring a broad cross-section of America together. It looks like the Republican Convention will be following a relatively normal schedule today.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Rallies and Protests

I am doing reports for station WBKI The CW Louisville and here is my first package for them focusing on the rallies and protests we have run into while we are here.


The Convention Floor

Kaylee and I in front of the Xcel Energy Center before going into the convention.

Kaylee and I in front of the Convention Floor before the Convention began with our red towel!

Cindy McCain and First Lady Laura Bush speaking about Hurricane Relief Efforts.

What an amazing opportunity! I have a press pass for every day of the convention and today being the first day of the convention I had my first experience as a real life "reporter". It was so incredible to be able to stand only a few feet away from First Lady Laura Bush and Cindy McCain. I had my flip camera in one hand and Shane's professional camera in the other. It was so exciting to be capturing these moments in history only a few feet in front of me. The convention hall had such an exhilarating atmosphere that proved everyone was excited to be there, regardless of the cancellations this week, but at the same time everyone is deeply concerned for the individuals effected by the Hurricane.


Hardrock, Huckabee, Hecklers, Heroines

This morning we started out toward Hardrock Cafe, but this was no vacation stop. The Young Republican organization was there to motivate and organize young voters so they can rock the election. The keynote speaker was Sarah Huckabee, however her father was in town and available, so he took the spotlight. After a gracious introduction and prayer for the devastated South Region, Former Governor Mike Huckabee made several minutes of remarks about the youth vote and John McCain who he fully supports and always has even while campaigning against him. After Senator Boenovich (R) OH. and the former Governor spoke, We were all interviewed by a New York Times reporter. She was covering the youth vote and youth issues. She turned around and asked us questions about Vice Presidential Candidate and Governor Sarah Palin, (R) Alaska, and her 17 year old daughter's recent pregnancy. My opinion was that it shows she is a real person who has to deal with real issues. Too many politicians have "shiny" and "ideal" families though, the majority of the US is not perfect and deals with hardships. 

After our rocking lunch we made our way over to the Excel Energy Center where the RNC was getting underway. Mike Duncan, the Republican National Committee Chairman, and Kentuckian, called the convention to order. All the committees got underway and all orders were passed without any "Nah's." After the committees made their motions, there was a surprise visit from First Lady Laura Bush. She delivered messages from the gulf coast Governors, Including Rick Perry, TX. Bobby Jindal, LA. Bill Crist, FL. and Bob Riley, AL. Then there was another surprise visit from Cindy McCain. They then asked everyone to help out and donate to They were very well received.  One thing that I noted was when they mentioned John McCain's name, there was a great reception, however when they said Sarah Palin's name, the crowd when wild, grown people screaming and yelling in support. It was an emotional moment. 

Following the convention, we went to see Fox News in action. After getting buttons for all of the news people, we met Bill O'Riley from The O'Riley Factor. We also paid a visit to the CNN Grill. 

In summary, today was awesome, and we expect a lot more to come. Thanks to all of our supporters.


Two Incredible Days!

Whew….. The past two days have been incredibly exciting. Sunday began with an amazing FREE breakfast in the hotel lobby. After the thirty minute rail ride to downtown Minneapolis we encountered a scheduled protest parade sponsored by Ron Paul supporters. These people have still not figured out one thing. It is over. Give it up already!!! After this very pointless experience we arrived at the Minneapolis Convention Center for the screening of the new David Zucker film, An American Carol. The pre-party included free food and entertainment by Lee Greenwood. Experiencing “God Bless the USA” live was a moment I will always remember. I recorded this video so that you all at home can too (turn the volume down a bit and it will sound better).

After picking up free drinks, popcorn, and candy we entered the theater to view the film. Only one word can describe this Michael Moore spoof: hilarious. We laughed from the opening to the closing credits. This film should be a part of any conservative’s curriculum. Nothing could better satisfy my anger at the man who called Gustav’s impact on the RNC an act of God than a movie that made him look like a complete idiot. Immediately after the film we went to the delegate welcome party. The incredible exhibits hosted by Civic Fest and the bag of free goodies finished off this incredible day.

Thinking that nothing could top the previous day, I slowly made my way down to the lobby. The first affair of the day, a Young Republican sponsored event at the Hard Rock Cafe, turned out to be excellent. After hearing a few advocates of voter registration, a surprise visitor emerged from the smoky kitchen. I was taken aback when I realized that I was standing a mere ten feet from none other than Mike Huckabee. I have been a huge fan of the Huck for a while now and was glad to hear him speak firsthand. Hurriedly, we hopped on the GOP express and headed toward the Xcel Center in St. Paul. Here's a shot from the rafters.

Recent events have obviously toned down the mood in the Twin Cities, but speeches by Laura Bush and Cindy McCain helped to revitalize the crowd. Gustav hung heavily on everybody’s mind and video messages from each of the Gulf Coast governors helped to ease minds and calm fears. Now back at the hotel we a resting and preparing for the next chain of events.


Location, Location, Location

Members of the Kentucky delegation are clearly benefiting from the stature of several high ranking Kentuckians within the party. Almost all Kentuckians are familiar with Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell. Far fewer know Mike Duncan. Mike Duncan, a banker from Inez, is the chair of the Republican National Committee. His position has helped land Kentucky plum seating at the Xcel Center and rooms at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Minneapolis (the official Convention HQ). By contrast, the Alaska and Tennessee delegations are staying in the rather modest Ramada Inn near the Mall of America. On the floor of the Xcel Center you will find the Kentucky delegates sitting just to the left of the podium. They are seated next to the host Minnesota delegation. Battleground states fill most of the other top seating areas with the Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania delegations front and center.

God Bless the USA, A Movie, and Receptions!

What an awesome experience. We started off the day with a Ron Paul protest parade going several blocks downtown. They put soo much time in to creativity and shock factors that they were lacking a united message. It was very entertaining. 
We made our way to the Minneapolis Convention Center for a reception with Lee Greenwood and veterans. One thing everybody needs to do before they die, partisanship aside, is to hear God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood live. A remarkable experience. It was noticed that we were the youngest people in the room with an easy 30 year gap in age. During the concert, we ran into the Senator from Minnesota. 
We made our way down the hall a movie screening of An American Carol. This movie is going to be a hit. Staring Kevin Farley (Chris Farley's brother) Kelsey Grammer, John Voieght, and Bill O'Riley. It is making fun of Michael Moore's "documentaries" and his un-American attitude. I would encourage everyone to go watch the trailer on youtube. 
After we wiped our tears of laughter from the movie, we made our way to the civic center for a delegate reception. This was a neat experience with all of the state delegate's hanging out and mingling. We went around and met delegates from all over. 

It's only day one, but we are having an amazing time here. Today we are going to Hardrock Cafe and then we are heading to the Convention Hall for what may be the only day they meet.