One of the first observations of the 2008 Democratic National Convention is Denver’s exceptional system of public transportation. Day one of our experience began with a midday arrival and a shuttle ride through the surprisingly flat city. As we approached the more metropolitan areas of the city, the Rocky Mountains became visible out the shuttle’s windows. From our hotel far outside the downtown area, a light rail system connected the WKU delegation to the bustling convention several miles away. Hybrid fuel cell busses moved many downtown passengers between the Colorado Convention Center, downtown destinations and the Pepsi Center stop at Union Station.
Denver’s public transportation efficiently serves downtown visitors who do not use cars. All of 16th Street and its myriad of commercial outlets are all but off limits to the automobile. Horse drawn carriages and bicycle taxis replace the yellow cabs that are the staple of American cities. The city of Denver has apparently adapted its facilities of transportation to the massive influx of Democrats, journalists, spectators and protesters. Denver is a great city for someone who wishes to live car-free.
All of the 0 emissions transportation makes up for all of the hot air being brought in for this series of events. An amazing balance. Wish yall the best.
S Noem
Check out Current TV's hilarious pre-convention shows from Denver and Minneapolis
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