Friday, August 29, 2008

Meredith's Blog 8/29

I'd like to first start with W.....T.....F?!?! Let's go over the qualifications...errr...characteristics that make McCain's V.P. pick a good one. First, I have to get on "the google" to look up her name...oh yes, Sarah Palin. Woman, conservative, child with down-syndrome, child, being deployed. I just can't figure out why in the world McCain would pick her. It must be because of her qualifications to lead a country. Oh wait, no that's not it at all. Ok, I'm starting to sound like a bitter democrat, which I am...but let's switch gears to an event of importance for our party and for this country.

Barack Obama did EXACTLY what he needed to do last night. For those who have a lot to say about his inability to speak in specifics, he proved you wrong last night. Emphasizing unity, change, and hope was a perfect plan for the primary elections, and he's picked the perfect time to go into specifics about his plans. Probably the most effectual moment in the speech for me, was when he emphatically and confidently expressed his readiness to debate McCain on who's more qualified to deal with the foreign affairs of this country. The ordinary people who spoke prior to Obama's entrance onto the stage were such a brilliant add to the event. Not only were these people in common bad situations caused by the current administration but several of them were lifelong Republicans converted because of the inexcusable failings of that party to provide for the people. When Obama came out, he was able to proved a hope to these problems so many Americans face. He made it clear that this election is not about him but rather that it is about the people and he explained specifically how he would turn the country around in the right direction to provide for a change that will be difficult but is completely necessary.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, Barack Obama did do exactly what he always does last night. He distorted facts and told half-truths about his programs. A few examples. First, this state he keeps throwing around about McCain voting with Bush 90% of the time. First of all, Bush has no vote because he is not a Senator. Secondly, Obama has voted with his party 97% of the time, and since his party took over Congress in 2006 on a platform of stopping the war and energy reform the war has been continually funded and gas prices have more than doubled. Secondly, contrary to what he says publicly, his programs will raise taxes on upper middle class families and drive us further into deficit spending. Finally, it seems odd that you want change but are satisfied with a man as VP who has been in Washington longer than he has not been. Seems to me that this woman you hate is a reform minded outsider and has more executive experience that all of the other candidates. Think things through a bit rather than responding simply on emotion.