Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sarah's blog 8/26

Monday a few of our group members attended a “religion and politics” forum, it was an enlightening experience. The members of the panel consisted of religious leaders, authors, and politicians. This event helped answer some pertinent questions, one being how can a Christian who is pro-choice better explain their position? Jonathan Miller of the Kentucky Delegation offered his insight, most pro-choice people don’t want abortion to get out of control. We need to find common ground with the other side. One of the panel members quoted Jeremiah 8:14 that says “Why do we sit still? Gather together and let us go into the fortified cities.” We must not sit still, religion should not be used as a tool by the political parties but rather play a part in the decisions made by an individual.
Also while at the convention my friend and I were interviewed by FOX news. I was little worried about how they would portray us; but I figured they would find actual idiots, interview and slander them.
After leaving the convention center we headed downtown where a protest was in full swing. I soon found myself in a very heated conversation with a sexist pig that told me, God looked down on me because I was a rebellious woman, and that I needed to find myself a husband and obey him. While saying a few choice words to this man, who smelled of liquor and Crisco, a SWAT team came in and broke up our good time. FOX news should have been there to interview that guy! Needless to say my first day of the convention was extremely unconventional.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Explain more of what you learned, please. Sounds interesting. Caught you on the news. No need to worry, you gave as good as you got!