Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Democracy For America

The WKU delegation's networking efforts paid off Tuesday night when an invitation arrived in the form of a text message. The group Democracy For America hosted us after Hillary Clinton's speech for a social gathering at a local brewhouse restaurant. The group mingled with the motivated members of an organization committed to electing truly progressive Democrats.

Rep. Donna Edwards of Maryland gave the keynote address of the evening's celebration. She took the microphone and instantly captured the audience who reveled in her candidacy's story. Rep. Edwards opposed a long-time incumbent in her district. Though she was defeated in 2006, she ran again in 2008. In the primary race, she was again defeated. Earlier this summer, her incumbent stepped aside allowing her to be elected in a special election. The room erupted in applause when she proclaimed her vote against the war. Overall, the evening was an experience in the social side of the convention.


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